
Benevolence and mutual support have always been an integral part of Jewish lifestyle, culture and traditions.

Ministry to “golden agers”

Oftentimes, it happens so that older people turn out to be lonely, abandoned, and socially vulnerable. They don’t only need financial help but social life as well. That is why our congregation has set up various clubs for them. They can fellowship, listen to music, and even dance there; they can share a part of God’s warmth and joy, and find new friends. Also, our congregation helps them with food and medicine if need be.

“Echad” is a ministry to children and teenagers from families in crisis

“Echad” is a crisis center for those children and teens who found themselves in difficult life circumstances. Generally, they are children from families in crisis. Volunteers help kids feel needed and significant, and most importantly, to get to know their Heavenly Father.

“Ark” is a ministry that feeds the homeless

Volunteers from our congregation do the following at a few locations in Kyiv: distribute hot food and warm clothes to the homeless and underprivileged, talk to them and pray for them.

“Chofesh” is a prison ministry

Congregation volunteers hold spiritual training classes, organize sport and cultural events for jailed teens in Ukrainian prisons. Volunteers bring light and love and help them start life anew.

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