January 22, 2025
Boris Grisenko
This world seems strange and inadequate to me personally. And those who try to understand it rationally and determine how it will
June 25, 2024
Once I participated in a large conference in Kazakhstan about the second coming of the Messiah, and the following three conditions
May 21, 2024
As we are reading the third chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, it is worth noting that apostle Shimon (Peter) addresses the men
May 17, 2024
As I was praying before the Shabbat service, God gave me a word - Isaiah 41:8-20. This passage begins with these words:
December 18, 2023
In the new covenant, the things that were inherited from the old covenant receive a new meaning, a new depth, and a new flavor...
June 20, 2023
Angels are present with us at Shabbat services. These are the special angels that come or fly down especially on Shabbat to...
July 24, 2021
Today, Israel is celebrating Tu B’Av, a holiday of love, even though it is a later tradition. In reality, it is a celebration of..
August 18, 2023
When we think and pray for revival, it is important to understand what revival is and to identify its conditions.
January 23, 2023
During these difficult times of crisis in Ukraine, God does not want us to be disheartened when we look at what is happening all
January 25, 2023
The Lord has called us to be His messengers who share the good news with people; first with the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6
January 26, 2023
Adonai Shalom is one of God’s names; this means that He is our Shalom. Beyond this, the word “shalom” itself has many meanings
January 27, 2023
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 is not just about the sacrifice of money. It refers to all areas of our lives, including our ministry to
January 29, 2023
The word "brachot" does not simply mean “blessings”, but rather, blessings which multiply, grow and ultimately become the source
January 30, 2023
“And this is what you shall say, ‘Have a long life! Peace be to you, and peace to your house, and peace to all that you have.”
January 31, 2023
Enemy No.4: Mood as an idol. Mood can become an idol in our lives if we always try to maintain a good mood. That said, we must
February 8, 2023
The desire of God's heart concerning us is not just to do immeasurably more (Ephesians 1:19; 3:20-21). God wants our lives to be
February 9, 2023
The Retreat has ended, but the grace of God which was manifested at that time can continue to be revealed for us in fullness. For
February 12, 2023
The words "shalom" and "shalem" mean “one, whole and indivisible”. The same root exists in the word "Yerushalayim". Another word
February 14, 2023
Prior to encountering the Lord, the lives of people could be filled with much pain and suffering. But after turning to God, we
Some people will only believe in their own personal spiritual experience and are very skeptical about the testimonies of other
February 16, 2023
We need to routinely reflect on our lives, considering the opportunities that come to us in which we can serve God and contribute
February 19, 2023
God doesn't speak of any other nation in the context of last days as much as the nation of Israel. This highlights the key role of
February 22, 2023
One of the names of God is El-Shaddai which means God Almighty, strong God. It is said in Proverbs, “The name of the Lord is a for
February 24, 2023
We especially need the power of the holidays during the week. It’s very important! There are verses in the Brit Hadasha
February 26, 2023
There are times when we simply don’t want to let our problems go. Sometimes it’s because we’ve gotten used to having a particular
February 27, 2023
We live in the time of restoration of the fallen tabernacle of David. David’s fallen tabernacle is, first the presence of God in
February 28, 2023
We live in the time of restoration of the fallen tabernacle of David. David’s fallen tabernacle is, first the presence of God
God is our dearest Friend who has an abundance of love. I guess many New Covenant believers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, are
March 1, 2023
When we are going after God; when we are really going after Him, we find that God has already gone before us. But when we are
March 6, 2023
Friends, there is a fresh word for us from Andrey Lugovsky, Elder of KJMC … When we surrender our despair to the Lord and grasp
March 8, 2023
“We make our choice when God puts us into hard difficult life circumstances where we either give up or choose to follow God. If we
March 7, 2023
"God often puts to shame the strong ones who are confident in their own strength and do not use it as it is intended by God. He
March 15, 2023
Satan does it in a way that his accusations bring people to despair and hopelessness. There is a difference between Satan’s
April 23, 2023
Question to the rabbi: Could you please explain the meaning of the word “Christians” and how often is it used in the New Testament
April 24, 2023
Having read 1 Kings 19:1-11, we could trace the reaction of the prophet Elijah to the following events: Elijah had gained
April 25, 2023
The sweetness of slavery is natural for many people. Slavery gives reliability and confidence in the future. You do not manage you
April 28, 2023
Once, I made for myself a list of reasons of why people have an interest in Jewish Messianic ministry. This list has formed as a
May 30, 2023
It is important that we crack the shell where the fire of God's love is hiding. His love has already poured out into our hearts!
May 31, 2023
REASON #9 "All that hype around Jews and Israel, around what we all must love Jews, around what the 'Jewish roots, Jewish roots
June 1, 2023
During the Exodus, Jewish people had neither the Spirit of God nor even the initial knowledge of the God who brought them out to
Message to the Messianic Hebrews 4:9-10 says “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His
June 9, 2023
You better reconsider your relationship with loved ones, it shouldn't be in the way of your relationship with God. Yeshua said in
June 16, 2023
Many of us have heard that God doesn't judge by deeds but only by faith. But this is heresy and now it's spreading out very
June 18, 2023
Every human on the Earth is individual in his thinking and self-consciousness. Each human is peculiar to have his own point of
June 23, 2023
We can pray simply to bless Israel and the Jewish people. But, most likely, our prayers would be much more effective if we
June 27, 2023
We face various challenges in our lives. Sometimes we may even find ourselves in circumstances so confusing that we’re questioning
It is felt that as God has entered Shabbat after creating the world, He has not come out of it since then. I am sharing the same
June 29, 2023
In the third chapter of the Book of Acts, Peter addresses to the men of Israel, the authorized representatives of the Jewish
June 30, 2023
If we, in any situation, realize that God has led us here to solve the problem and not to overload us, then we will be able to see
July 1, 2023
Friends, the Lord has called us to act with special authority at this significant time! We should not trade the precious gifts of
July 2, 2023
Most people do not want to hear about the bad news or troubles of other people, they don't want their mood to be spoiled. But
July 3, 2023
When an olive is crushed it produces the oil. This is what happens in our lives. God's light, His fire and His help
July 6, 2023
God loves us very much, that is why He shows what prevents us from being close to Him, being friends with Him, and what prevents
July 7, 2023
Dear friends, this is a favorable time to get out of slavery, depression, old things, leave the desert and enter God's promised
July 8, 2023
Friends, it's critical to understand and clearly realize that the falling away of Israel from God happens only until THE APPOINTED
July 9, 2023
Question: Is it possible to consider “silent disaffection” to the Jewish people, an inner attitude of a person without any
July 11, 2023
It was commanded in the Torah and in the books of the Prophets to greatly rejoice and to be glad before the Lord's face. It
July 12, 2023
The Bible says that love "is the bond of perfection" (Col. 3:14, NKJV). Love is an alliance of all perfections: perfect kindness
July 13, 2023
Self-pity often prevents us from getting God's liberty in different situations and problems. We feel sorry for ourselves when our
July 14, 2023
Is there a danger of «too much» love Israel and the Jewish people in the context of the Jewish ministry? How can believers avoid
July 15, 2023
Sometimes we don't let our problems go, and not only because we got used to living with them but also because of some "benefits"
July 17, 2023
We always have a choice. No matter how difficult the circumstances that we may be going through, no matter what the problem we are
July 18, 2023
During the Passover Seder Yeshua told His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me
July 19, 2023
Some people, in order to feel ok, need to be confronting or negatively judging someone, entering this state of mind gives them
July 20, 2023
In Isaiah 54 the Lord, first of all, speaks to Israel, but also to each and every one of us: “Sing, O barren, You who have not
July 21, 2023
For the time of quarantine, we got used to masks, social distancing, isolation. And I’m for masks and distancing, but I’m against